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Hi my name is Alyssa:)I'm in the 8th grade at Sandy River Middle School and this is my Globaloria Blog! :D

Friday, May 25, 2012

Globaloria this year.....

This year, Globaloria was pretty good! We had alot of fun creatinng our game!! I think that our game was a very good success, and I'm glad that we achieved it!! We worked really hard to get everything finished and complete! I had to over come alot of challenges to complete and finish our game and to make it the best that it can be. Next year, we will hopefully they will have Globaloria at High School, so we can continue to do what we like to do ! I hope that everyone enjoyed the game that we made this year and that they liked what we created!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

If I had more time to work on my game, what would I do?

Well it's Friday, so we have to blog of course. This is probably one of the last days of us blogging this year. Our blog is about our final game. If I had more time to work on my game, I would try to fix some of the glitches and other little things that need to be repared. I would try to fix some of the buttons that doesn't work correctly sometimes, and I would try to maybe add somemore levels to my game. I would probably add some more animations and graphics to our final game, just to make it a little better. We have worked really hard on our game, to make it the best that it can be, and I feel that we have did pretty good on our final game!
-Alyssa (:

Friday, May 11, 2012


Well next week is WESTEST, so we have to blog about how good we are going to do on the WESTEST. I hope that I do really good on the WESTEST, because I am going to try my hardest to make a good grade! I hope that the test is pretty easy so that I can do really good, but even if it is eally hard I will try my hardest to do good! I think that I will do better on the Math part of the WESTEST, because I am better in that subject. Next, I will probably do better on English. Then probably Science, then maybe Social Studies. The WESTEST will probably be kind of challenging, but I will try my hardest to get the best I can!!
-Alyssa (:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Why my game isn't a quiz game..

My game isn't a quiz game because it doesn't have any type of questions, just fun games. We made our game to where it didn't have any like multiple choice questions. We just have fun like levels and things like that.

Friday, April 27, 2012

What we have left to do...

Today is Friday, so we have to go to blog! Our game is finished, so we don't need to do anything!!! We have successfully finished our game & I'm really glad that we got done before the end! I think our game is pretty good & I like it better than my game last because it has alot more animations and other things included! Hopefully everyone likes our game, because we worked hard on trying to finish our game & making it really good! Hope you have a great day!!
-Alyssa (:

Monday, April 23, 2012


Well, we got to blog about anything today. I have to blog today (Monday) because I wasn't here Friday because of Social Studies Fair! This weekend I went to the mall and I went to my cousins house at Huntington!!! :D I had a great time spending time with him and some of my family!! Hope that everyone had a great weekend and has a great week!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

What if presentations were today...

Today's friday, so we are blogging of course. Today our blog is about what if presentaions were today. I feel that our game is ready enough to be presented, but we are working on a blueprint of a mines. In our game, we are gong to try to incorperate a actual map of a real coal mines. We are going to trace it on a smart board and save a picture to put on our game. We really think that it will be a great idea and that it will work good! We hope that everyone likes the things that we have tried to include into our game! (:

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Well today isn't Friday, but tomorrow we are doing something at school and we might not get to be in here. So therefore, we are blogging today!  We are blogging about what we are going to do over Spring Break! I will probably stay home and relax, go to visit some of my family, and spend some time outside!

Staying home and relaxing will be really fun, because I won't have to be at school and be doing work!! And I can sleep in and not have to get up really early! I will probably play on my iPhone, iPad, and Laptop!

More than likely I will go and visit some of my family, because my cousins are supposed to come in for a few days! I will probably go up to their house and talk to them and spend some time with them before they go back!

I will also go outside with my family and play some basketball or something!  Hopefully it will be warm and I can ride my fourwheeler with my dad and mom! Also, I will help them do some stuff out side, like plant some flowers or something!

I am looking really forward to spring break, to get a little break from school!  I hope that I will get to have alot of fun and have some well deserved time off! Hopefully it won't go by to fast and I will get to enjoy it!!!! :D


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our Presentation...........

I think that our presentation will be very good! I believe that my partners and I will be really prepared to present in front of everyone.  Our game is almost done. We are working on getting ready to make our third level.  It took alot of work for our second level to work. We had some coding issues we had to take care of, before we could get everything to work.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Incorpating Flash...

Well today is Friday! So we have to blog, like always. I'm glad its almost the weekend!!!
We have some trouble in flash, but not alot. We can always overcome the challenges we have in flash, by the help of some of our other classmates. We have the first level of our game done, and we are working on the second. The first level of our game, is a platform game, and I think it is my favorite thing to do in flash. Since we made platform and we used the 2.0 flash codes, we had to make our game a 2.0 game instead of 3.0. It was kind of challenging to do, but it was easy with the help of others. We had to use the old button codes instead of the code snippets, because we used 2.0. I think that is probably the most challenging so far for us to do.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Our Game

Our game has been very successful! We have worked on getting our game to wok better and the codes to be better and work correctly! My partner and I have been working really hard to improve our game and to make it better in any way possible.  We have looked over our game and checked for mistakes and different things.  I think that the best part of our game, is the drawings personally.  My favorite part of our game is the title scene.  Platform is a big part of our game, it is the first level of our game and I think it will be my favorite.  We need help on hit test and we are going to continue to work to succed at that.  One of our friends knows how to do the hit test pretty good, and we are probably going to have her to help us!  I really enjoy Globaloria and I think everyone else does to!
-Alyssa (:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Biggest Struggle...

     We, have been working on our game probably has to be when we couldn’t figure out how to do platform at first.  Now, we have figured out how to do it!  Our biggest success would probably have to be that we have a working game.  We have worked really hard to make a platform game.  I made most of the platform and I had to draw the scenes, but Kaitlyn helped to give ideas about what our game should be like.  I feel, that we have come a long way in our game and that it will be a good success!  Our game started off as a quiz game, but it has come to not have any quiz parts in it.  We have incorporated things in our game, about what to avoid in a coal mines.  We hope that our game teaches people who play it, a lot about coal in West Virginia!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Working in Flash...

Well today is Friday, so of course we have to blog!  And it is supposed to snow on Sunday, so hopefully we won't have any school.  Our blog is about working in flash!  Working in flash, can sometimes be hard, but sometimes it can be pretty easy. We usually help eachother to make sure that everyone gets done and succeds at what they need to do!  Our teacher or one of our students help us to make sure that everything works correctly!  Sometimes we work in flash at least once a day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Playing other people in our classes games.....

     Today, is Friday and we had to play other peoples games in our class.  I thought it was pretty fun and I was impressed in everyones progress! There were alot of good games in our class!  Some of the seventh graders actually did better than us! haha.  We all helped eachother to complete the task!  I played Kaitlyn (my partner) and my friend Faith's game!  They did really good on their games!  Brandon and some other people helped me to finish my game!  I think it is really fun to play!  We may try to incorperate some of the skills into our game! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our game so far...

So far, our game if really coming along. We have a playable game now, we are just gonna added some more other stuff to it to make it better.  Like I said on the last blog, we want to try to incorperate some of the things that the Globaloria people wanted us to add in on our game.  We are also going to add some more stuff.  But these last two weeks, we have been working on platform and we haven't had any time to work on our game at all.  So our next thing we do should be working on the game some more and trying to improve all of the things that that need fixed.  Also, we wanna try to add some more other things to our game!

Well, hope everyone has a great Friday!! :D
-Alyssa (:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Three things if learned in platform..

      Well today is not Friday, but we are blogging, because we had no internet Friday.  So it's Monday....Woohoo.... -_-  Today, we have to blog about three things we have learned doing platform.  I have learnt have to make objects move, how to make a deadzone, and how to make something jump.  I think that platforming was kinda hard to do, but I think that it will help us to make our game better.
     The first thing I learnt, was how to make objects move!  I really never knew how to make something move.  But through the process of platforming, I have been able to learn that.  It took lots of hard work to make something like that work, and it sometimes got a little fustrating.
     Secondly, I learnt how to make a deadzone.  I never knew how to make a deadzone either.  Making a deadzone, is when you make a place where you fall off of something.  We never really ever had to make something like a deadzone. But it would be something good to incorprate into my game.
     Finally, I also learnt how to make a object jump.  We do plan to make this become part of our game, because it works well with the topic of our game.  Hopefully we will get it working in our own game!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Three thing I have completed....

      I have completed a lot of things this year! My game is almost complete aside from the things that we are going to add and fix on it.  My partners and I hasve worked really hard to get as much as possible completed everyday!  We usually share the work and divide it up into three parts, so one person doesn't have to do all of the work.  Partnership plays a big part in Globaloria.
     Our game, has made really good progress this year!  Compared to our games last year, I thing that our new game has definatley improved alot!  We have worked really hard to make it the way it is.  Also, everyone contributed to the ideas that were added into our game.  One of our goals before presentation time, is to add in some of the ideas that the Globaloria people told us about.
     I have completed most of all the buttons in our game!  I did almost all of the buttons by my self, which I was really proud to accomplish!  Sometimes even Mr.Addair or Mr.Sparks will ask me or some of the other eighth graders to help the seventh graders with animations. We usually help them with things they aren't sure how to do yet.

     Somtimes we have trouble, but we all work together to get it fixed!  Either we work together with our class, our we get the teachers help.  But usually we get everything done by the end, even if it does take sometime to do.  Whenever we have something wrong someone usually helps us to.

     Sucess is a good part of Globaloria to!  We have improved so much from last year to this year!  I really hope that we do really great on our game this year!  Hopefully the teachers think that we improved also. And we hoep that the Globaloria people think so to!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Now that I'm done with my demo...

Well today is Friday of course! And I'm really glad because it's almost the weekend!!! So today we have to blog about how after we are done with our demo and what we are gonna do now!  Now, me and my partners, will probably continue to work our our real game and add more to it!  It didn't tak us long to complete our game demo, because we already knew how to do it last year.  I think our game, will be very good this year, because of all of our experience last year! We will probably add more of the things that the professionals told us about, to improve our game! We are almost finished with our game, but we are adding more to it and fixing it. Next week or sometime is supposed to be grading, so we are all working hard to get everything finished!  Well that's about it!!!  Thanks for reading my blog!!

-Alyssa <3